Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings to the 21st Moscow Meets Friends International Festival

The message reads, in part:
“Over the years, thousands of talented children
from Russia and other countries have participated in this wonderful project.
Performing at the festival is a great event for young performers and an opportunity to assert themselves in a spectacular way, find their calling, and grow to become extraordinary musicians, singers, dancers, and true stage stars.
This is why your contest rightfully enjoys international appreciation and popularity with audiences.
I would like to note that this festival is
timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Vladimir Spivakov
Charity Foundation. Its branches operate in many cities across our country and beyond, while its cultural and educational programmes are an important
contribution to creative and personal development of the younger generation.
I want to thank the foundation’s staff and Vladimir
Spivakov for their initiative and personal involvement, as well as for their
noble work that is needed by the times and the people.”
